Understanding Chaos by Gustavo Rodriguez for October 28, 2024

  1. Img 4401
    Zebrastripes  5 months ago

    In a one hour show, I counted 64 commercials!!SIXTY FOUR!!!!!!! I am in disbelief! Last year there was 46 minutes of the show and the rest was commercials….This year, there is only 36 minutes to a show, the rest commercials!  This may vary but the fact remains is that ads are taking over TV. Brainwashing society! The longest and most sickening are the medicine commercials.Maybe the billions they spend on commercials could go to lowering the drug prices and more research! The big problem is the board comes first. They want their cut and the patients come second! 60 Minutes had a CEO on and he admitted this.  Politicians also have stakes in Pharm!  Which proves it’s a crooked business when politicians are involved.  Greedy ba-stards

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  2. Goblin
    owlsandy Premium Member 5 months ago

    I have always thought that we should ban medical ads on television. I agree that all those commercials raise the cost of drugs. And, if you think there are a lot of commercials on TV, you should try playing games online!

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  3. 111 tiny
    Impkins  Premium Member 5 months ago

    If they would just tell us what the heck the med is supposed to be for. :)

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