The Apostle Paul said to pray without ceasing. That’ll work for someone in his time as transportation was often provided by a horse who knew where it was going. Driving a car or truck today and praying might prove a bit dicey. But, I suspect that Paul was talking about having a God connection throughout life and that you can do while driving.
preacherman Premium Member 7 months ago
The Apostle Paul said to pray without ceasing. That’ll work for someone in his time as transportation was often provided by a horse who knew where it was going. Driving a car or truck today and praying might prove a bit dicey. But, I suspect that Paul was talking about having a God connection throughout life and that you can do while driving.
tcayer 7 months ago
He said “the same as someone who’d listen…” That’s the Reverend basically telling this young lad that God isn’t listening.