Berkeley Mews by Ben Zaehringer for July 01, 2024

  1. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member 8 months ago

    In fact, we are still in an ice age, where the ocean depths are about 4°C. The atmosphere is cold and thin, with a shallow thermal envelope that prevents atmospheric water vapor from traveling far. That results in glacial recession, desertification, and atmospheric warming due to a lack of fresh water resources inland. It also causes flooding and storm surge erosion along the coastal areas, and heavy storms where there are vapor plumes sufficient to maintain their thermal energy long enough to be forced farther inland, where they can also develop violent cyclonic expressions of atmospheric conservation of angular momentum due to rapid cooling, and the resulting difference in atmospheric pressure.

    Warming is inevitable, since cooling took place some time ago, and cannot be maintained by any means available to us. Since said cooling is the reason for increasing volumes of salt water, and concomitant reductions in fresh water, the premise that warming is responsible for our climate conditions is simply short-sighted and without any actual basis in fact.

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  2. Missing large
    jtburgess Premium Member 8 months ago

    You have been misguided and misinformed. Please do some real science-based research before making such claims. For starters, the reason the bottom of the ocean is 4° C is that is the temperature at which H2O is the densest. Thus is always sinks to the bottom.

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  3. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member 8 months ago

    And these facts are not set aside, or reduced, by non-scientific assertions accompanied by claims of internet expertise.

    The Earth is exiting a glacial age, and the poles are still covered in ice. That ice cools the seas. Deserts form where ever cold currents surface. There is NOT too much water vapor being produced, because there is NOT too much fresh water and fresh water ice. Production and distribution of fresh water depend on thermal energy, which is not sufficient in the current global climate to maintain glaciers or prevent desertification. There is flooding where the water vapor can reach, and violent storms, because of the rapid cooling of atmospheric water vapor in the cold and thin atmosphere, and its shallow thermal envelope.

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  4. Fly tattoo color 50x50
    stuckfly Premium Member 8 months ago

    Humans are causing global cooling! Humans are causing global warming! Humans are driving climate change! Let’s focus all our economic resources on technologies that will prevent global temperature changes and have absolutely no impact on the environment! Solar panels, wind farms, electric cars, and AI.

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  5. Comics 2022
    Milady Meg  8 months ago

    This is a classic example of Kettle theory.

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