Time to give Jason your counter list!
3 french fries, 2 turtle candies and a pair of socks in a shoe tree!
Sorry! I was reading in the sun and it caught fire.
The sheer raw greed is so endearing…..
Watch it, Jason or she’ll put you up for adoption.
I know some people who start their Christmas shopping in June and have it done by the end of July.
Bill Amend
FoxTrot en Espanol
Sanspareil 5 months ago
Time to give Jason your counter list!
3 french fries, 2 turtle candies and a pair of socks in a shoe tree!
The Reader Premium Member 5 months ago
Sorry! I was reading in the sun and it caught fire.
Godfreydaniel 5 months ago
The sheer raw greed is so endearing…..
Strawberry King 5 months ago
Watch it, Jason or she’ll put you up for adoption.
M.K.Staffeld 5 months ago
I know some people who start their Christmas shopping in June and have it done by the end of July.