Man: (sniff) Honey, would you smell my undershirt and see if it's still ok to wear? Man: You smell better than I do. Woman: You got that right.
That’s a total non-starter, Ace.
unfortunately, i’ve got a pretty good sense of smell…
In this scenario, if you have to ask, the answer is “no, put on a clean one.”
for guys there’s “filthy” and “filthy but wearable”
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member 6 months ago
That’s a total non-starter, Ace.
gopher gofer 6 months ago
unfortunately, i’ve got a pretty good sense of smell…
MikeM_inMD 6 months ago
In this scenario, if you have to ask, the answer is “no, put on a clean one.”
kv450 6 months ago
for guys there’s “filthy” and “filthy but wearable”