Flo and Friends by Jenny Campbell for August 18, 2024

  1. Large blue morning
    Yakety Sax  7 months ago

    Yep. I’m at the age where I like to have something lean on, just in case.

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    stairsteppublishing  7 months ago

    I watched as aunts aged and sore I would not go there if possible. As they aged the rear stuck out and the the shoulders leaned forward. It made them look and act old. If I that is happening to me, I stand up straight and it make me fee better, les apt to have a backache, etc. We all have good and bad dates and with the full, blue and supermoon tomorrow, I have learned to just accept how it effects me and go with the flow.

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  3. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 7 months ago

    Yesterday I needed to get bags of garden soil so I wore my knee brace. Even though it states it is not for prevention, it seems to help a lot.

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    nostall Premium Member 7 months ago

    Some real truth in this old saying: If it doesn’t hurt it doesn’t work. Heard a good one yesterday, from an elderly on-stage comedian: “Went to the doctor because I thought I was getting arthritis but he said no, it was early on-set rigor mortis.” LOL.

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    goboboyd  7 months ago

    Both, I’m afraid. (I’m already planning on a fine wood walking stick with ice spikes on the bottom. Interchangeable figures on the handle. 3D printing looks fun.)

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