The Big Picture by Lennie Peterson for September 08, 2024

  1. 7196e53b 3f16 4f0b 920b 0ef5c6c90627
    Willi Nilli Premium Member 6 months ago

    8 panels, 8 Gingers! Outstanding!

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  2. Nc201206
    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 6 months ago

    An early example of “touch grass” as a suggestion.

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  3. Chai
    Perkycat  6 months ago

    I’m not the one I would like to shoot, about now.

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  4. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  6 months ago

    Like the Dell Representative I talked to once. I told her up front that the PC would not boot and I had determined that the hard drive had failed (I was a PC Tech). First thing she said (read off a check-list, no doubt), was “First, boot up Windows…”

    ( –‸ლ)

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  5. Comics 2022
    Milady Meg  6 months ago

    I just moved and had to deal with moving my concast (better name) from VA to CO. It required going through their chat/phone number multiple times in order to get a human who proceeded to assure me that they would stay with me until the problem was solved. Then, after some amount of frustration with fools, a different person would get on the line/chat and assure me that they would stay with me until the problem was solved. Two people at two different times told me they had to close my old account to move my modem. Both assured me that they did that. Neither did, and a tech had to come out and call the number and use his magic code to talk to someone and get it done.

    Concast is definitely a better name.

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  6. Fdr avatar 6d9910b68a3c 128
    Teto85 Premium Member 6 months ago

    21 years later and nothing has changed. Except the CSRs now speak English as a third language. Shaw is not much better up here, but at least I can get by in French when they mistakenly think that’s my primary language.

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  7. Missing large
    kimodb Premium Member 6 months ago

    Only 100 a month. Ah, the good old days…

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