Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for June 29, 2008
Voice from television: ... and he rips one down the third base line! Voices: Ha, ha, ha! Yuk! Yuk! Ha, ha! Bartender: Hey, will you guys keep it down? I'm trying to watch TV! Voices: Huh? Ha, ha! No way, man! Straight up, bro! B.D.: So our comm's out. We're cooking off all this ammo... Man: And now every knucklehead in sector knows we're there! So we start gettin' lit up... Man: Damn! B.D.: They're walkin' in rounds on us. And we're not even in our play clothes! Man: Plus, no one has eyes on - we're engaging ghosts! Man: So been there, dude! B.D.: Okay, so then an ISF dismounted element shows... Man: Instant Iraqi death blossom! Man; Ha, ha! All because of one little fobbit! B.D.: Totally fubar! Like that time in Tikrit... Man: Yeah, yeah. That was so messed up! Man: Could not believe you did that! Ha, ha! B.D.: And remember when we... Man: Yeah, classic. Classic! Man: Seriously. Peers.