shoulda, woulda, coulda is such a sad refrain.
Why are this week’s strips so blurry?
now, that I am semi-retired, I should practice my drawing, I should start writing books, but instead I’ll just watch some Anime and YouTube shorts….
It’s actually a good idea to do this periodically while you still have a job.
Studio Jantze
Michael Jantze
Carl Premium Member 4 months ago
shoulda, woulda, coulda is such a sad refrain.
cpietran Premium Member 3 months ago
Why are this week’s strips so blurry?
dragonfury98 3 months ago
now, that I am semi-retired, I should practice my drawing, I should start writing books, but instead I’ll just watch some Anime and YouTube shorts….
mistercatworks 3 months ago
It’s actually a good idea to do this periodically while you still have a job.