Garfield by Jim Davis for November 16, 1982

  1. Large
    NewOrleansSaints  almost 9 years ago


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  2. Pimp raven
    Krendall  over 6 years ago

    Garfield must really like sour citrus fruits if he likes to eat grapefruit.

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  3. 230cfb61 1c05 4348 8713 0c6c328593e3
    Justgottalovecomics  over 4 years ago

    Doesn’t he hate Mondays more?

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  4. Sheldoncharacter
    Scrambled Eggs  about 2 years ago

    Why bother trying to eat it if you hate it? And why use a spoon? You’d have better luck with a fork and knife. Way less risk of squirting.

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