Money is like manure. Pile it up in a corner, and it stinks. Spread on a field, it makes new growth.
He draws some money. The house you’re living in, the cars, the servants. None of that is free.
It’s been observed that billionaires tend not to have any hobbies, only efforts to make more money.
Oh, I don’t know. I expect he often draws on his army of lawyers… ㋛
Jml58 6 months ago
Money is like manure. Pile it up in a corner, and it stinks. Spread on a field, it makes new growth.
uniquename 6 months ago
He draws some money. The house you’re living in, the cars, the servants. None of that is free.
Stephen Gilberg 6 months ago
It’s been observed that billionaires tend not to have any hobbies, only efforts to make more money.
ChessPirate 6 months ago
Oh, I don’t know. I expect he often draws on his army of lawyers… ㋛