Heart of the City by Steenz for March 13, 2009
Dean: Guess what, Heart? I'm going to that special effects symposium in Hollywood and my mom is taking me! Dean: It's a six hour plane ride and then we're staying at this really cool hotel on Hollywood BLVD, right near the famous chinese theater! Dean: Aren't you happy for me? Heart: Thrilled!
TheSoundDefense almost 16 years ago
Hollywood is a pretty cool place, as long as you never wander into Los Angeles proper. That would be bad.
Arjaytee almost 16 years ago
This is so-oo surreal! The hotel is The Roosevelt, and I stayed there! Plus, I went to a premiere, mingled, ate, walked the red carpet at that same “Famous Chinese Theatre” I won a contest from OK magazine and had such a GREAT time!!!!! This strip brings the memories back. Thanks Mark Tatulli!!!!!! P.S. I do love this strip and read it daily.
nelson-muntz almost 16 years ago
TheSoundDefense You obviously have never been anywhere but maybe H’wood Blvd. maybe you should visit Sunset and Santa Monica Blvds.
TheDOCTOR almost 16 years ago
Hey! When did the painters get here? This was all B&W all week an–I see, Friday the 13th.—–y’know sometimes these twoare like a VERY young A&E.
kfaatz925 almost 16 years ago
Feeling your pain, Heart… next week my husband goes to New Orleans without me. :(
shippingtroll almost 16 years ago
Don’t forget to have a Pico Dog, and then stop at Frank’s for some Chicken and Waffles!
runar almost 16 years ago
He’s turning her green with envy so she’ll be ready for St. Patrick’s Day.
Asrial almost 16 years ago
Methinks Heart will pull a “Jade”
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
Don’t be so mad, Heart. Maybe he won’t come back?
yeetbill80 almost 3 years ago