Heart: If everybody's day started with a fanfare, the world would be a happier place. Mom: Thanks, but I'll stick to my own brand of trumpets...black, no sugar.
Dr once told me I had to cut back on my coffee…I did…Still make the same amount every morning..but use bigger cups so technically I drink fewer cups of coffee
Skyerider almost 16 years ago
Ugh! I’m sooooooo not a morning person! Gimme coffee!
Caddy57 almost 16 years ago
Dr once told me I had to cut back on my coffee…I did…Still make the same amount every morning..but use bigger cups so technically I drink fewer cups of coffee
lilcrazy117 almost 16 years ago
i played fan fare for the third planet its a hard song to play along with flight of the tunder brid (same composer)
Decepticomic over 3 years ago