Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for February 21, 2009
tyr: Dynaman, this corporate raider thing isn't for me. man: c'mon, you look great! Tyr: yeah, but I feel ridiculous. man: Looks trump feelings. tyr: I mean, if i'm gonna wear modern clothes, shouldn't it be something I'm comfortable in? Tyr: like this! Man: *Sigh* from gordon gekko to gomer pyle...
Edcole1961 almost 16 years ago
Shazam! Or, surprise, surprise, surprise.
KingRat almost 16 years ago
more like larry the cable guy
The_Rav almost 16 years ago
Git r dun!!
WoodGracie almost 16 years ago
Doc toon: ROFL!! omg, sometimes the comments are much better than the comics! This arc has been pretty good tho’!
Radical-Knight almost 16 years ago
Is that Cooter from Dukes of Hazard or Village People.
RoolDeeWurldMan almost 16 years ago
And yet somehow it soooo fits him!
starlena Premium Member almost 16 years ago
well he can still drink and fight and not seem out of place while dressed like that =)