Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for January 23, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    Some grownups think of them as nooses, too.

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    h2oman  about 16 years ago

    ā€œHe is not repentantā€ I love it !!! Must be Sunday go to church time , hope he behaves himself.

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  3. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  about 16 years ago

    Back in the middle ages, when I was in a public high school, it was mandatory that we wear a white shirt and a tie. Our response was that we wore the same tie ever every day for the entire school year and that we never untied it completely, only loosening it enough to slip it over our head. Not everyone was this uncouth but I reveled in it. (One of the problems was to keep Mom from getting her hands on the tie and washing it during the year.)

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  4. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 16 years ago

    Wonder what the upcoming occassion is. Hope itā€™s not as grim as the gallows. School pictures maybe?

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    SnehaJain  about 16 years ago

    Calvin n his imagination jus rock!!!!

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    DEBRADIAS  about 16 years ago


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    DEBRADIAS  about 16 years ago


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    cleokaya  about 16 years ago

    I can count myself lucky. I now own no ties and would be just as wretched as Calvin does.

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  9. Cutiger
    rentier  about 16 years ago

    Yesterday was such a day, I felt like Calvin.

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  10. Blue hair
    Jackone  about 16 years ago

    Gweedo Murry, love the song. Poor Calvin. lol

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    Ldywldkat  about 16 years ago

    Oh my gosh!! Please tell me heā€™s not having to go to a weddingā€¦. can you just imagine him and hobbes having to sit through a wedding?

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    prasrinivara  about 16 years ago

    Has Calvinā€™s dad never heard of clip-ons?

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    Silverpearl  about 16 years ago

    Womens fashions change faster than mens. Bring back the style George Washington wore and youā€™ll really hear yelling!!

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  14. Tubbsbottl lll
    gigabyte03  about 16 years ago

    Gweedo Murray: Interesting link good Sir. A message for Calvin from the future perhaps?

    ā€œHey! you gotta look out how you act, cause if you not careful, you gonna end up in trouble anyways!ā€ā€¦. Father Guido Sarducci

    see: ā€¦

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    Loomis_C  about 16 years ago

    The times have changed, havenā€™t they? You donā€™t see cartoons today with imagery of a hanging - itā€™s just not ā€œPCā€. I wonder if Watterson took any flak when this one was first published. I doubt that a cartoonist could get away with something like this todayā€¦

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  16. Fairies2
    EMandEM  about 16 years ago

    Maybe whoever invented the tie got his inspiration from the ritual of hanging, and wanted to play a practical joke on the generations to come :) Fortunately he let the noose hang down rather than against gravityā€¦

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  17. Alife
    alife  about 16 years ago

    GM + FTIII thanks for the links Helps start the day :000

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    Clarkygal  about 16 years ago

    Everyone in my school has to wear a tie! The girls tie them really loosely though, so its not that bad :)

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    om1e5ga  about 16 years ago


    Iā€™ve always been of the opinion they were invented by feministsā€¦.

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    RoseMickey  about 16 years ago

    Hey, om1e5ga, thatā€™s how many women feel about a bra, must have been invented by a male woman-hater,lol

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    cleokaya  about 16 years ago

    I worked for years in a liquor store that was state run. It was mandatory that we wear ties. Everytime that I would pick up a heavy case, my neck muscles would flex and Iā€™d feel the tightening around my neck. I couldnā€™t loosen it to much because customers would be in the store and I might have to go up to the register. Another frequent downside, was picking up a case and placing it on top of another. When I would try to step away, I would discover to my dismay, that my tie was pinned between the two cases.

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    Wildmustang1262  about 16 years ago

    What occasion are Daddy and Calvin gussing up the white shirt and tie for? Attend the church, wedding or what? I am curious to know what occasion they are up to. :-)

    Gweedo Murray says: For Calvin: What is the name of song did you paste that link on the post comment? :-) (I know Johnny Cash sang the song) Wink! :-)

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    alondra  about 16 years ago

    That Johnny Cash always had such a sense of humour. I remember he also sang ā€œThe Green Green Grass of Homeā€ in which he was also hung I think, that was a more bittersweet and sad song. Wildmustang the song was called ā€œ25 Minutes to Go.ā€

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    Sueharper  about 16 years ago

    Hmm, I donā€™t remember Johnny Cash singing ā€œThe Green Green Grass of Homeā€. I do remember Tom Jones singing it.

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    BugsMoran  about 16 years ago

    Re: SueHarper Tom Jones rendition of GGGoH was a pathetic, pasty flop. Johnny Cash sang it long before ā€˜Pretty Boyā€™ Jones and JCash was the second one to sing it. Jim Reeves was the first (though he didnā€™t write it) but it was never as memorable a song as the rendition by Cash. Others have sung it as well, but very few had ever attained the deep sonorous tonation that Cash put on it.

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    Gretchen's Mom  about 16 years ago

    Just as much as men hate ties ā€¦ this how we women feel about wearing pantyhose!

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  27. Half life einstein
    WestwoodGryphon  about 16 years ago

    Love that second frame.

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    cello_wizard  about 16 years ago

    I actually like wearing ties. (iā€™m a girl) I think they are fun to wear! (though a little confusing to put on)

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    cello_wizard  about 16 years ago

    WestwoodGryphon says: Love that second frame.

    I agree. I love how menacing his eyes look. ^_^

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    tabbylynn  about 16 years ago

    i like to wear a tie. i am just strange like that.

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  31. Presidential seal
    m_ortal  about 16 years ago

    I have hundreds of ties (gifts, mainly) but never tighten them completely now. I found the pressure on the jugular veins triggered severe migraines. I plan to have them made into quilts when I reretire.

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  32. Gd
    Bittermelon of Truth  about 16 years ago

    @om1e5ga Iā€™ve always been of the opinion they were invented by feministsā€¦

    So now when girls wear them, it means that the trend has come full circle! =) Iā€™m LOL at Calvinā€™s face in the fourth frame.

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  33. Cat helm
    mammacass  about 16 years ago

    Watch out, Dad, it sounds like Calvin is hawking up a furball!

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    zombiedragon  about 16 years ago

    I wonder why Calvinā€™s dad is making him wear a tie..

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    dsbairdks  almost 16 years ago

    Dress code misery

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    dsbairdks  almost 16 years ago

    Implementing the Dress Code

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    CharlesNeal1  over 7 years ago

    I quit wearing ties when I moved away from my parentsā€™ homes. My momā€™s family respects that i quit wearing them due to the darn things always seeming to choke me and I was never comfortable wearing them to begin with.

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    Roblox Lover! :P  over 4 years ago

    yay, i donā€™t have to wear ties and i never have

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    CianMiller  over 4 years ago

    The comments at the top are older then me

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