FoxTrot by Bill Amend for July 19, 1996
Paige: Aargh! Andy: What's the matter? Paige: The stupid video store rented me the wrong tape! I wanted "Pocahontas" and they gave me "Seven"! Now, instead of the nice G-rated musical I wanted, I'm stuck with some violent, R-rated thing featuring hunky Brad Pitt! And this is exactly the sort of movie you told me not to rent, too! Ooo, it makes me so mad! Oh, well. I suppose I could force myself to watch this... Andy: You know, I think some of the best acting goes on outside of Hollywood.
JasonFoxIsMyHero over 14 years ago
Seven? Never heard of it.
baconbitz_cartoonlover over 14 years ago
me either. must be a 90’s thing
neurocell over 14 years ago
Psychological thriller. Great movie.
wolfintheshadows almost 14 years ago
Awesome and gross at the same time!
iFerrarifan over 13 years ago
HEY! This ran the day I was born
Zankchi11 over 9 years ago
What is a “Veedioh Stoor” or a “taape?”