FoxTrot by Bill Amend for February 05, 1998
Jason: You know, Mom, according to my Cinegeek Magazine, they used a 44-foot model for a lot of those shots of the Titanic. And at the end? Where everyone's supposedly freezing in the ocean? They filmed it in a heated indoor pool and added all the foggy breath with computers. In fact, for this one scene with Jack and Rose running away from a wall of water... Andy: Jason, are you trying to sabotage my love of the movie?! Jason: Dad, if she's figured out your plan, do I still get paid? Andy: Well, I'm off to the 6:00 screening. The TV dinners are where they were last night.
Slam Dragon about 13 years ago
They get TV dinners, Why are they complaining?
Hermione1117 over 10 years ago
because every night the dad is taking care of them
Lacy of the Grub over 5 years ago
I thought it was Cinnenerd.
Pig111 over 4 years ago
I thought it was cinemafangique
anishsub9 almost 4 years ago
It is ironic how just a few weeks back Andy told Jason to prevent roger from watching tv
ElJorro over 3 years ago
All joking aside, Titanic really was a marvel of special effects. More so, considering it was before the computer generated era began in earnest.
david.e.french about 2 years ago
Why would he? I bet that’s the best food they’ve eaten in weeks