Andy: How's your French coming along? Paige: Excuse me? Andy: I asked you how your French homeowrk was coming along. Paige: Excuse me? Andy: Paige, don't you start this nonsense also. Paige: My freedom homework is coming along fine.
The 2003 US and British invasion of Iraq was strongly opposed by France and Germany. As a result, an idiotic movement was born in the US that aimed to replace anything named after France with the word Freedom (“Freedom Fries” instead of “French Fries”, etc.). The “Freedom Fries” episode is particularly funny, since the French Fries is already a wrong name as they are a Belgian invention.
Good lord. It’s 2019 and my 10yo asked me to explain this one. I didn’t get it at first, because it’s been so long since the Freedom Fries brouhaha. Came here to understand it. Then gave my 10yo a little history lesson so he could understand this ever so topical comic.
Max the Destroyer about 6 years ago
The 2003 US and British invasion of Iraq was strongly opposed by France and Germany. As a result, an idiotic movement was born in the US that aimed to replace anything named after France with the word Freedom (“Freedom Fries” instead of “French Fries”, etc.). The “Freedom Fries” episode is particularly funny, since the French Fries is already a wrong name as they are a Belgian invention.
GregLovern over 5 years ago
Good lord. It’s 2019 and my 10yo asked me to explain this one. I didn’t get it at first, because it’s been so long since the Freedom Fries brouhaha. Came here to understand it. Then gave my 10yo a little history lesson so he could understand this ever so topical comic.
PBS1! over 4 years ago
Didn’t Rat do this joke once?
Extension Cord about 2 years ago
“I plead the fifth”
Anton Sherwood almost 2 years ago
mais, si tu ne veux pas dire «français», pourquoi étudier la langue?