FoxTrot by Bill Amend for May 23, 2005
Peter: Check it out - dad's sweater totally covers my sweatshirt. Now I can wear it to school for finals and no one will know it's turned pink and glittery! Tell me I'm not smart! Paige: Isn't it supposed to be 90 degrees out today? Peter: OK, tell me I'm not sorta smart...
iheartcomics22 over 13 years ago
not smart at all, peter.
Quincy_Knows_Best almost 6 years ago
I can see where you learned how to swear.
LordVoldemort about 5 years ago
Why doesn’t Peter get hot in his regular sweatshirt? It’s a sweatshirt!
DM9001 about 2 years ago
Don’t you mean arcsin(1), Paige? :)