Noise: WHOOSH. Jonas: Sonofa- I hate that. Mouse: What? Jonas: Oh, when you just get your driveway shoveled out and the plow comes through.
Ain’t that the truth! Rude snow plow guys!!!
Never was a truer word spoken!! You’ve got to speak to Nate about this annoyance!
The snowplow isn’t that bad. It’s when the grader comes by and pushes a 2’ berm in front of the driveway that I tend to get a little po’d (not to mention very tired).
That’s why you should always wait (with luck, it’ll warm up the next day, ‘specially this time of year).
July 22, 2015
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Ain’t that the truth! Rude snow plow guys!!!
leslynmoore almost 16 years ago
Never was a truer word spoken!! You’ve got to speak to Nate about this annoyance!
Khard12 almost 16 years ago
The snowplow isn’t that bad. It’s when the grader comes by and pushes a 2’ berm in front of the driveway that I tend to get a little po’d (not to mention very tired).
runar almost 16 years ago
That’s why you should always wait (with luck, it’ll warm up the next day, ‘specially this time of year).