Captain: Guys... I have to vacuum. Raymond: The weird thing is, in my mind, I know it's just a machine. Louie: It's your soul, though, Raymond. In your soul, you know it's a monster.
My avatar doesn’t much like the vacuum, either! Woo hoo! First to post here!
JFri you dog you! Good morning! Now you see why I enjoy this strip so much!
Great job, Chip! ROFL!!
Poor Raymond,he tries to be so macho but at heart he’s still a dog.
I love how Raymond has two sharp swords at the ready…
my former beagle (RIP) didn’t take any sh!t from our vacuum. She went on the attack whenever we had to sweep…
Vacuuming the deck of a pirate ship??? Must be very difficult to come w/a daily sometimes…
July 22, 2015
The Duke 1 almost 16 years ago
My avatar doesn’t much like the vacuum, either! Woo hoo! First to post here!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 16 years ago
JFri you dog you! Good morning! Now you see why I enjoy this strip so much!
Great job, Chip! ROFL!!
Sugie63 almost 16 years ago
Poor Raymond,he tries to be so macho but at heart he’s still a dog.
txmystic almost 16 years ago
I love how Raymond has two sharp swords at the ready…
my former beagle (RIP) didn’t take any sh!t from our vacuum. She went on the attack whenever we had to sweep…
risitas almost 16 years ago
Vacuuming the deck of a pirate ship??? Must be very difficult to come w/a daily sometimes…