Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for October 18, 2009
Noise: WRrrrrr Rattle! Poncho: !! Hey! I know that sound! That sound was one of my kibbles! Carmen: Well, you can't get it back now. Poncho: My kibble is trapped inside! I gotta get it out! But... the vacuum... so scary... ! Oh, come on, Poncho, buck up! The thing is off, it's not like it can do anything when it's off, right? Hmm, pretty dark down there... can't quite see any -- Noise: WRRRRR!! Poncho: Oh, right, like you don't know anything!
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
Too, too funny!!! ROFL
carmy over 15 years ago
Woo Hoo! Good one, Cat!!!
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
Ha ha, butter wouldn’t melt in that cat’s mouth. But he’d probably yack it up anyway.
alondra over 15 years ago
What? That innocent looking cat? It’s only licking it’s paw. You blame the cats for everything Poncho.
You go cat!
Destiny23 over 15 years ago
Lucky he wasn’t holding it closer to his eye, or he’d be going as a pirate for Hallowe’en!
imtess over 15 years ago
Plead the 5th cat. You’re an innocent bystander.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
I’d say it’s payback time.
xetzuga over 15 years ago
He was reading a book? lol
GJ_Jehosaphat over 15 years ago
MEOW - LOL Miss Kitty is on my lap laughing her tail off! Thanks for giving her ideas Pooch Cafe - my dog’s afraid of her already! I find both cartoon & Miss Kitties antics hilarious!
I see today’s “Bob the Squirrel” has a tail problem too!
David Hamilton over 15 years ago
One of the best Pooch Cafes in a while ROTFLMAO! Poncho has great expression and thoughts in panel 2.