Peanuts by Charles Schulz for June 02, 1955
Charlie Brown is walking away as Schroeder talks to him in the field. Schroeder says, "You're out of your mind, Charlie Brown!"<br> <br> Schroeder grimaces as he leans on a fence. He exclaims, "Davy Crockett wasn't so awfully tough!" Charlie Brown stands afar and shouts, "Oh, Yeah?"<br> <br> He goes over to Schroeder with his hands raised and continues, "Well, who was tougher? Who, wise guy?! Who?"<br> <br> Schroeder shouts, "Beethoven! That's Who!" Charlie Brown grimaces and mutters, "Oh, Good Grief!"<br> <br>
yow4zip Premium Member over 9 years ago
The toughest composer in the west.
tdoug1 almost 9 years ago
I don’t know I thank davy could take him!
JonathanThomas about 7 years ago
Beethoven was partly deaf, so Davy wins!
Dippy almost 6 years ago
I think a Davy Crockett vs Beethoven Epic Rap Battle is in order here.
C wolfe over 4 years ago
Beethoven forgot to show up at the Alamo, he was too busy decomposing.
✨Alan✨ almost 4 years ago
What would Beethoven use for a weapon if he was a the Alamo? A piano?
Daeder over 3 years ago
After Beethoven’s death, someone coined the phrase “Remember the Allegro!”
ah-hee over 3 years ago
VICTOR PROULX over 1 year ago
Less than a month earlier, Disney had released a film version of the Davy Crockett tv series. Lots of kids had coonskin caps.
JoeTheDog Premium Member 26 days ago
Beethoven is a pianoist, how do you think he was strong or tough? in the art of music perhaps?