For being sarcastic, fowl tempered and downright insufferable.
Cleo, I agree. She should stay there the rest of the day, and miss supper, too.
so mom finally got sent to her room good it’s about time
How about she stays there until she learns how to speak with out using sarcastic or demeaning tones? So in other words, the rest of her life…
September 13, 2014
cleokaya almost 16 years ago
For being sarcastic, fowl tempered and downright insufferable.
margueritem almost 16 years ago
Cleo, I agree. She should stay there the rest of the day, and miss supper, too.
bald almost 16 years ago
so mom finally got sent to her room good it’s about time
teeterman almost 16 years ago
How about she stays there until she learns how to speak with out using sarcastic or demeaning tones? So in other words, the rest of her life…