Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for March 01, 2025

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    seanfear  about 6 hours ago

    umm actually he has a point with this one – guess ale brings Andy to his senses (or his senses back to him? ah well…)

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    snsurone76  about 6 hours ago

    I agree; Jack should keep the door closed—and locked—before that worthless moocher enters!

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    CorkLock  about 5 hours ago

    Ton 80 dart Andy. Go for Dble Bull now.

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  4. Earth sea temps
    Uncle Kenny  about 4 hours ago

    So, when I was a teenager, we had a dart board in thebasement. One day, my friend and I were down their shooting darts, and he kepy ducking in between me and the dartboard so I couldn’t shoot. Finally, he got out of the way and I took my shot. Except he ducked back in, and my dart hit him right between the eyes. Thank God it didn’t hit him in one of his eyes!

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  5. Snake on a hat 2003
    BigDaveGlass  about 4 hours ago

    Andy was going for a double top and hit a wooden top.

    (Woodentop, a pejorative term used by plain-clothed British police for uniformed police officers.)

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    Number Slx  about 3 hours ago

    I’ve lost all faith and respect for the British police and so as far as l’m concerned, Andy scored a bullseye.

    My bad!

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    Number Slx  about 3 hours ago

    In the original strips, Reg Smythe often featured WPC’s as well as male police officers.

    …which brings us to another edition of…


    (5 panels.)


    In the first panel, we see a WPC standing by a wall looking disapprovingly down the street.

    In the second panel, she holds her hand out and says, “I suppose yer know why l’m stoppin’ yer?”

    In the third panel, Andy appears – looking the worse for wear, “Course l do, lass, l’m a man o’ the world.”

    In the fourth panel, the sozzled Andy sweeps the constable off her feet and plants a big kiss.

    In the final panel, Andy walks off and turns to the reader. The caption reads, “lt’s nice t’ know yer’ve still got it!”


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  8. Grandbudapesthotel cr alamy
    Imagine  about 3 hours ago

    I’d say Andy won that game.

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    Number Slx  about 2 hours ago

    l’m too good to you lot…


    (4 panels.)


    A chap’s walking down the street muttering to himself.

    “…we’re losin’ our ability t’ communicate, that’s the trouble…”

    In the second panel, he’s confronting Andy who’s walking from the opposite direction. He says to Andy, “lt’s murder at ‘ome, Andy, my missus doesn’t understand me – does yours?”

    In the third panel, Andy replies, “l shouldn’t think so, mate – she doesn’t even understand me !"

    In the last panel, the poor chap’s looking to the reader. The caption reads, “As l was sayin’…”


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  10. Screenshot 20250222 140958 gallery
    Number Slx  26 minutes ago

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all Andy Capp fans who should have had a birthday yesterday.

    Perhaps you celebrated yesterday…

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