Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 13, 2025

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    snsurone76  about 7 hours ago

    Is the inspector buying that excuse? Or is he just laughing it off?

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    cracker65  about 7 hours ago

    It’s even worse now. We have become a nation of superstitious knuckle draggers

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    snsurone76  about 7 hours ago

    If the UN was to move out of the US, what do you all suggest be done with the buildings on the East River in NYC? I just hope they aren’t turned into a Trump casino and luxury apartment building!

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  4. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 44 minutes ago

    On USNAVY ship. Some guy breaks the glass covering the dial of his wristwatch in a lower compartment. Radiation alarms start going off in another compartment. This is true and it was sort of scary to think the watch dial gave off that much radiation. No idea what the glass was made of.

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    WzrdofOz  28 minutes ago

    Outstanding! That sounds like a great idea! Plus it will generate the state and NYC some tax money to prop up their corrupt system.

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