Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer for June 15, 2009

  1. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  over 15 years ago

    Thank you, Scott, for one more reminder of why I DONā€™T OWN A CELL PHONE! ā€˜Preciate it.

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    taber  over 15 years ago

    Will ā€œI donā€™t own a cell phoneā€ be the new ā€œI donā€™t own a television?ā€ only time will tell.

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  3. Imgp0880
    ewennick  over 15 years ago

    I do own a cell phone but - oddly enough - I use it to MAKE PHONE CALLS. Thatā€™s it. I have a friend who insists on sending me text messages and is perplexed when I phone her back.

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  4. Image14
    ChiehHsia  over 15 years ago

    I donā€™t own a cell phone. The company provides me with a cell phoneā€¦ and I turn it off after work!

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  5. Stegozard
    Stegozard  over 15 years ago

    Phones of any sort are tools of the Devil. Thatā€™s all I have to say.

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    Dorian  over 15 years ago

    ewennick - your avatar is WAAAAY cute! My kitty is a black and white, sort of like that. :)

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  7. 2bkf2l3xyxi5p0cavbj8
    sensrule92  over 15 years ago

    By law, cell phone kiosks should have to have this strip posted in plain view for all customers to see LOL

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