Personal foul: ‘face mask’
::snickers:: Way to go Maude!
Don’t let it bug ya, Maude….you gals can get back to your soap operas tommorrow.
EXCELLENT said like Mr. Burns >:D Only watch for the ADS but the guys would Grunt of them unless “they” had an ad like Apple 1985!
iowaweav almost 16 years ago
Personal foul: ‘face mask’
TiggerLeBounce almost 16 years ago
::snickers:: Way to go Maude!
lazygrazer almost 16 years ago
Don’t let it bug ya, Maude….you gals can get back to your soap operas tommorrow.
alife almost 16 years ago
EXCELLENT said like Mr. Burns >:D Only watch for the ADS but the guys would Grunt of them unless “they” had an ad like Apple 1985!