How hopelessly out of date is this comic? Prince William was born June 21st 1982 - over 26 years ago. Peanuts, and Calvin & Hobbes, and several others are historic but timeless. This one hardly matches up.
I find it interesting to juxtapose what was a highly topical and insightful comic of the time with the reality of today. Who would have guessed that although Wills would in fact develop his mother’s good looks he would be losing his hair at 28?
rkjfyoung over 16 years ago
How hopelessly out of date is this comic? Prince William was born June 21st 1982 - over 26 years ago. Peanuts, and Calvin & Hobbes, and several others are historic but timeless. This one hardly matches up.
ana_demeter over 16 years ago
I find it interesting to juxtapose what was a highly topical and insightful comic of the time with the reality of today. Who would have guessed that although Wills would in fact develop his mother’s good looks he would be losing his hair at 28?
stpatme over 16 years ago
Harry, on the other hand looks exactly like Philip with bad rosacea.
ChiehHsia over 16 years ago
What does good rosacea look like?