Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for January 07, 2009

  1. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 16 years ago

    Dad? May I call you Dad? We need to have a little discussion….

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  2. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  about 16 years ago

    Here is where the phrase “and why not?” would come in handy.

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  3. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    He would use this same argument if it were a boyfriend(No, not really).

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  4. Tubbsbottl lll
    gigabyte03  about 16 years ago

    At 12yrs. old I fell deeply in love with a wonderful lass from Liverpool. Her family was from Ethiopia. She stole my heart, but even so, while my parents were ok with it, the neighborhood could not handle it. Sadly it only lasted 6 months. That, some 55 or so years ago. -sigh-

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  5. Triscele
    txmystic  about 16 years ago

    I wonder about this “next guy” his dad is talking about…

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  6. 5346ae65734b4d0e82350407ef0d8e00 250
    cleokaya  about 16 years ago

    Poor Binkley. That’s the problem, bigotry keeps getting passed on from generation to generation. Hopefully, Binkley can overcome parental advice.

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  7. Me
    michaelw777  about 16 years ago

    Morning, txmystic. When this was written in the 80’s, interracial dating was still pretty taboo. Trust me, I know. Even some 10 years ago, I got some pretty hostile looks for going outside my own race. That was the perfect phrase here: people who thought they were liberal and open-minded, but couldn’t handle the reality of it. In short, Binkley’s Dad really WAS as liberal and open-minded as the next guy—Berkley’s point at the time. I remember reading this when it first came out…

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  8. Me
    michaelw777  about 16 years ago

    One more comment on this: Berkeley nailed this one: “That’s what parents are for!” — the perpetuation of racism and racial stereotyping, handed down through the generations.

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  9. Tmlis icon60 1
    hookedoncomics  about 16 years ago

    I dated a guy outside my race for a year, and its the 20th century and people still looked at us as if we weren’t from this planet. It’s really an insult, and sometimes that opposite person is really who will love and treat you right.

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  10. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  about 16 years ago

    I wonder what Dad’s reaction would be if he could see into the future and witness the result of the 2008 presidential election. 8)

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  11. 104 0464
    ForeverAllstar  about 16 years ago

    My Grandparetns are from Argentina they hate Mexicans. My sister and brother-in-law hate gays My parents are covertly racist against black people: they would never let me watch black comedeies claiming “they were annoying,” Somehow I escaped the racism gene but never got to put it into practics as the only guys I seem to attract are skinny white punk/gamer boys. Sucks, but at least my daughter will grow up knowing she can date anyone she wishes as long as he or she is not a jerkoff!

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  12. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  about 16 years ago

    With parents like these, who needs Archie Bunker. :-D

    Imagine how many people out there, sadly, would actually agree with dear ol’ Dad.

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  13. Image14
    ChiehHsia  about 16 years ago

    “…You’ve got to be taught, before it’s too late, before you are six, or seven, or eight, to hate all the people your relatives hate! You’ve got to be carefully taught…”

    from “South Pacific”, c. 1955. Change comes very slowly.

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  14. Honk if you hate dallas
    briankblough  about 16 years ago

    One consideration that has to be made in inter-racial relationships is what effect it will have on the children that would be produced. Right or wrong, our society looks down on inter-racial couples. Do you really want to saddle your child with that prejudice when they are to young to decide for themselves? I say this from experience, as I have a niece that is bi-racial, whom I love dearly, and am glad to have. Just sayin…

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  15. Shill
    Brainiak  about 16 years ago

    Maybe he might be worried a jealous “Brother” might cap the little dude fo messin wif dey women.

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  16. Horsey
    ANandy  about 16 years ago

    Dad’s name is Harry Reid. His hobby is being a senator from Nevada.

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  17. Walleeve
    sammykat1976  about 16 years ago

    “Saddle your children with that prejudice”? WTF? So two people shouldn’t fall and love and have children because some bass ackwards moron won’t like it? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

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