Intelligent, sensitive, and with a wicked and well-timed sense of humor.
Only indirectly apropos: one of the cute orca handlers at Sea World in San Antonio remarked that she and her peers often wondered who was training who.
“Fatso” is an insult? Probably not to a whale. In many cultures it has been a sign of wealth. You could afford to eat well. (Well, wealth, whale; must be a root word connection there, somewhere. See also “Fat Cat.”) Mine just means I can afford beer, also a sign of wealth. Grain to porridge, poor. Grain plus yeast to make bread, middle class. Enough grain & yeast left to make beer? How rich do you need to be?
ejcapulet about 15 years ago
Yep - pretty smart critter.
Sisyphos about 15 years ago
Opus has been blow-hole blasted; to be sure, his less-than-gracious greeting was asking for it….
Rakkav about 15 years ago
Intelligent, sensitive, and with a wicked and well-timed sense of humor.
Only indirectly apropos: one of the cute orca handlers at Sea World in San Antonio remarked that she and her peers often wondered who was training who.
lewisbower about 15 years ago
“So Long and Thanks for all the Fish”
Ray_C about 15 years ago
I would think that “Big Lips” would be a compliment to a whale. At least he didn’t say, “Hey, Fatso!”
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Opus has a pretty big kisser himself.
Sherlock Watson about 15 years ago
Perhaps it was meant to be a come-on; if he hadn’t been interrupted, Opus might have said, “Say, Big Lips, howzabout plantin’ ‘em right here?”
yyyguy about 15 years ago
cleo big kisser, small lips (as in “non-existant”).
ChukLitl Premium Member about 15 years ago
“Fatso” is an insult? Probably not to a whale. In many cultures it has been a sign of wealth. You could afford to eat well. (Well, wealth, whale; must be a root word connection there, somewhere. See also “Fat Cat.”) Mine just means I can afford beer, also a sign of wealth. Grain to porridge, poor. Grain plus yeast to make bread, middle class. Enough grain & yeast left to make beer? How rich do you need to be?
x_Tech over 14 years ago
ChukLitl - for the next step see “Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies” by Jared Diamond
“Hey Brain, What’re we going to do tonight?” “The same thing we do every night, Pinky…”