Being respectful of others is certainly something we need to do. But when we reach the point when we become overly concerned about what is properly PC about this and what is properly PC about that is the point where we have succumbed to Big Brother’s control. What we really need to do is to be honest and to be ourselves. That is the only way we can look Big Brother right square in the face, spit in his left eye and let him know he has never controlled us and he never will. Being a diverse species does not mean that we all have to fall on the floor and wet ourselves for fear we’ll offend someone. It means that we stand proudly for who we are and our neighbors stand proudly for who they are and we celebrate it all with each other.
ejcapulet about 15 years ago
Big Brother is going to be very bored if he’s watching me.
Sisyphos about 15 years ago
Is “Happy New Year” a sufficiently PC greeting for Big Brother? What about people who don’t observe 1 January as starting their new year?
comYics about 15 years ago
Peeping Toms are watching.
Rakkav about 15 years ago
Presumably this strip was originally published in 1984?
I was curious about what these two sources had to say about George Orwell’s novel:
Charles Brobst Premium Member about 15 years ago
It was 1984.
jrbj about 15 years ago
Being respectful of others is certainly something we need to do. But when we reach the point when we become overly concerned about what is properly PC about this and what is properly PC about that is the point where we have succumbed to Big Brother’s control. What we really need to do is to be honest and to be ourselves. That is the only way we can look Big Brother right square in the face, spit in his left eye and let him know he has never controlled us and he never will. Being a diverse species does not mean that we all have to fall on the floor and wet ourselves for fear we’ll offend someone. It means that we stand proudly for who we are and our neighbors stand proudly for who they are and we celebrate it all with each other.
Nighthawks Premium Member about 15 years ago
big brother has you by the balls and you don’t even know it
billdi Premium Member about 15 years ago
amen nighthawks
mikdeeps about 15 years ago
jrbj—Well said.If you vote you are part of the problem
marasu66 about 15 years ago
Is the tomahawk chop still considered offensive at sports games? I haven’t heard about it since the ‘nineties.
coffeeturtle about 15 years ago
it would be good if they incorporated the original publishing date of each of the comics as well.
Sherlock Watson about 15 years ago
A few years ago, a lot of commentators were saying that Orwell’s 1984 came to be, just twenty years later than expected (“Patriot Act,” et cetera).
mrslukeskywalker about 15 years ago
It came true before 1984.
pbarnrob about 15 years ago
George Carlin had it right.