kreole, these strips are from about 24 or 25 years ago (hint; the Soviet Union has been gone for around 20 years).
Berke is still kicking around, as best I know, but has been away from serial cartooning for a few years. He’s taken breaks before so, who know, he may be back.
kreole he stopped cartooning not long ago. These strips are all re-runs. Before Bloom County he created a cartoon called “The Academia Waltz” for his university newspaper. The only character I can remember him bringing to Bloom County is Steve Dallas. After Bloom County he did “Outland” and then “Opus.” I think his comment when he retired that one was that with the political situation developing he would not be able to refrain from making fun of it, and he thought it better to end things before it became vicious. Personally I think his early Bloom County material is his best work.
Sisyphos about 15 years ago
Row, Opurt, row! (It’s like Forrest Gump, you know.)
Mrs. Limekiller has been exceedingly lucky in being helmet-skewered by only a tiny, non-explosive-tipped harpoon!
WoodEye about 15 years ago
Right through the skull with no ill effect!
rayannina about 15 years ago
No, just through the helmet … and maybe her hairdo. Bet Francois at the salon has a fit when he sees the damage that harpoon did to his work …
kreole about 15 years ago
Berke Breathed (the cartoonist) is a genius….are these cartons re-runs? Current? Is he still cartooning? Is he still alive?
wittyvegan about 15 years ago
Reminds me of Obama: Trying to reach out, getting hit and still believe the other side is willing to do a rational argument.
jrbj about 15 years ago
Right through the helmet and skull and no injury. It’s just as I thought, she’s a leftist air head. Does this mean that Nancy Pelosi has competition?
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Opus is a lean mean rowing machine.
Shades78 about 15 years ago
kreole, these strips are from about 24 or 25 years ago (hint; the Soviet Union has been gone for around 20 years).
Berke is still kicking around, as best I know, but has been away from serial cartooning for a few years. He’s taken breaks before so, who know, he may be back.
pamlicorat about 15 years ago
You know, I remember when Mrs. Limekiller was the socialite, ex-wife to a tramp. She was a lot prettier then too.
mrslukeskywalker about 15 years ago
I told you so so many times. Didn’t I?
HARVIN about 15 years ago
Brain surgery requires no anasthesia.
Sherlock Watson about 15 years ago
And he would row row row… (Old song)
GJ_Jehosaphat about 15 years ago
The Good Classic Cartoon Never Get Old/Stale!
Kerovan about 15 years ago
kreole he stopped cartooning not long ago. These strips are all re-runs. Before Bloom County he created a cartoon called “The Academia Waltz” for his university newspaper. The only character I can remember him bringing to Bloom County is Steve Dallas. After Bloom County he did “Outland” and then “Opus.” I think his comment when he retired that one was that with the political situation developing he would not be able to refrain from making fun of it, and he thought it better to end things before it became vicious. Personally I think his early Bloom County material is his best work.