Does anybody else remember the old pop up vcr’s? We used to have one that would every so often not play the tape because of “dew” and then we’d have to take the hair dryer and dry out the vcr. Really, I swear – I’m not that old!
Bang on! I will watch Oliver’s show anytime over some of the stuff that is being broadcated now in North America. Actually, if Oliver appoints Milo as anchorman, the news show may be quite interesting!
There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. Oliver Wendell Jones is controlling transmission. Sit quietly and he will control all that you see and hear. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from Bloom County to… The Outland Limits.
thirdguy about 13 years ago
The FCC loves it when people practice democracy like this!!!
Sherlock Watson about 13 years ago
Unless Bobbi, Lola, or Quiche is taking part, there won’t be much reason to watch Oliver’s show.
finkd about 13 years ago
Wouldn’t that be VC-were ?
finkd about 13 years ago
Nowadays, this could be done with an iPhone and the right app.
BluePumpkin about 13 years ago
Does anybody else remember the old pop up vcr’s? We used to have one that would every so often not play the tape because of “dew” and then we’d have to take the hair dryer and dry out the vcr. Really, I swear – I’m not that old!
Sir Osis of Liver about 13 years ago
Bang on! I will watch Oliver’s show anytime over some of the stuff that is being broadcated now in North America. Actually, if Oliver appoints Milo as anchorman, the news show may be quite interesting!
jslabotnik about 13 years ago
There could also be Democratic debates going on
davidh48 about 13 years ago
What’s a “TV”? Who needs one?
rroush Premium Member about 13 years ago
If he can do all that, surely it would be easier for him just to figure out a way of descrambling the signals.
AStarofDestiny about 13 years ago
Why I love my Netflix and two recorded (old) shows I watch every week.
travburg1 about 13 years ago
Democrat debates?
hariseldon59 about 13 years ago
I remember when VCR ownership was considered a status symbol. Now it’s just old technology.
djmalloy about 13 years ago
Pirate satellite! Occupy Dish Network!
mdblanche about 13 years ago
There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. Oliver Wendell Jones is controlling transmission. Sit quietly and he will control all that you see and hear. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from Bloom County to… The Outland Limits.