Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for January 27, 2012

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    RG_Dustbin  about 13 years ago

    Odd to portray the young Prince William as an obnoxious oaf anyway – it was Prince Harry who was the really horrible one as a youngster. Luckily seems to be a little better as an adult.

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    Ensoh  about 13 years ago

    One is amused.

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  3. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 13 years ago

    Dear Bloom County Viewpoint: The Toledo Chapter takes offense. Will you settle this like gentlemen?

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  4. Alistair cookie
    Sir Osis of Liver  about 13 years ago

    To Sir Rumwald: AACKTHTPH!

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    w7tyg  about 13 years ago

    I say— A bit below the waist, eh, wot?

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    brewwitch  about 13 years ago

    Serves the Queen Mom right.

    Really that dottering old woman was a terror to any troops she inspected. She would smile and address a Major, “Good Morning, Sergeant!”, which was, in effect, a field demotion. Sure, the base CO would restore the officer’s rank the next day, but the demotion would be on his military record.

    A friend of mine served in the Canadian Army and saw this exact thing happen once with “The Queen Mom”. A lot of soldiers and officers are glad she isn’t around anymore for her version of fun and games.

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