Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for May 07, 2012

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    watmiwori  almost 13 years ago

    Jackson looked like an aging Joan Crawford. NOTHING likeGarbo, whatsomever!

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  2. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 13 years ago

    The Man With No Face is dead. Let him rest in peace.

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  3. Mr sulu
    MrSulusBrain  almost 13 years ago

    Dad, much like Greta Garbo would “like to be alone”!

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  4. 03 head in universe
    Vonne Anton  almost 13 years ago

    Enquiring mind don’t really want to know the truth; they just want to make up good zingers.

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    thirdguy  almost 13 years ago

    The best MJ joke came out after the 1986 World Series.What do Bill Buckner and MJ have in common?They both wear one glove for no apparent reason.

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    spydript  about 12 years ago

    i myself had a different theory: he turned into an old reclusive white guy overnight, i think he is elvis after losing weight and faking his death wanting to take the spotlight so he can be the king of rock and roll and the king of pop at the same time, although marrying his daughter was weird but he is from tennessee :)

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