Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for October 25, 2013

  1. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 11 years ago

    Such grammar! Twain was not terribly PC in any respect!

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  2. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  over 11 years ago

    Everyone knows that the stars were sneezed out by an angel. Duh.

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  3. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  over 11 years ago

    Stars are like cats. You get one, and billions of them happen.

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    vwdualnomand  over 11 years ago

    some places especially in the south, they still burn books.

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  5. Nighthawk700 avatar
    Nighthawk700  over 11 years ago

    The sad thing is, with light pollution the way it is, many kids today won’t see the sky as star filled as it is in this strip.

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    shipl14  over 11 years ago

    Can’t think about Huck and Jim floating down that river without thinking about mosquitoes. Yikes.

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  7. 260493 10150222218578010 542938009 7222366 3346839 n
    tryoung71  over 11 years ago

    I’m fortunate enough to live in an area that has virtually no light pollution. On a clear night, I can see the Milky Way so vividly that I tend to forget that many people don’t get to view such an amazing thing.

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    mrssaskfan  over 11 years ago

    Uh, it was Bush Jr. who created the “free speech zones” to keep protestors at least a mile away from the cameras and his entourage.

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  9. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  over 11 years ago

    My wife had one cat as a child and it delivered a load of kittens in the basket of clean laundry.

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