Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for December 16, 2013

  1. Peter cooke   hood
    Ottodesu  about 11 years ago

    Ahem.A bit of background information for younger readers:As incredible as it may sound nowadays, back in those days everyone was concerned that the USA was spying on them.

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  2. Ricky ricardo oh lucy
    edclectic  about 11 years ago

    The eye in the sky.

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  3. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 11 years ago

    Opus, where’er ye be today, you’re so lucky for your heart’s sake not to be around in the Snowdon era….

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  4. Chanter
    Brian Fink  about 11 years ago

    Ahhh the more things change, the more they stay the same.

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    jbmlaw01  about 11 years ago

    Back then nobody really was concerned about whether the US was taking pictures of Americans. Pre 9/11, nobody thought the government had any real reason to monitor Americans. The US undoubtedly was using satellites to spy on the godless communists, and that troubled American leftists.

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  6. Hal 9000
    Raygun  about 11 years ago

    If the surveillance issues we have now were reveled 30 years ago, there would have been rioting in the streets and the White House would be a smouldering pile of rubble. We have been slowly “conditioned” to accept that Govt ease-dropping is “good for us” and “keeps the bad guys out”. 20 years from now? AV surveillance will be smaller than a gnat and exist everywhere on earth, with several spy-gnats (you heard it here first!) in each room of your home, including your bedroom. Give ‘em an inch, they’ll take 10 miles. It’s coming folks and we will welcome it after it is wrapped and marketed as the “patriotic thing to do”. Against surveillance? Then you are a commie and an enemy of the state! Shades of Nazi Germany. Safe to say that Bin Laden will have won.

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    shipl14  about 11 years ago

    They don’t have to watch you. Why would they? They just have to make you believe they are watching.

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    elbeck  about 11 years ago

    The actuarial odds of being a victim of a terrorist attack is one in 1.4 million. Yet the thought of this causes Americans to crap themselves and readily give up their Bill of Rights; over 60% believe the NSA spy program is a good thing.

    God help America.

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    luvdafuneez  about 11 years ago

    Especially, the likes of YOU…

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  10. Ricky ricardo oh lucy
    edclectic  about 11 years ago

    Spying: the world’s second oldest profession.

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