No, it is. The incorrect version was that the Great Wall is the only man made structure visible with the naked eye from orbit. A number of man made objects are visible from orbit.
Penguins don’t have any teeth, but they do have barbs on their tongue and throat. These barbs point backwards helping penguins swallow slippery fish, squid and krill.So I guess it’s really gold filled barbs, but it’s the thought that counts.
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
The penguin has guilted you again, Milo. He’s brilliant!
SwimsWithSharks about 11 years ago
saving this one for Christmas next year.
phillipmorris about 11 years ago
No, it is. The incorrect version was that the Great Wall is the only man made structure visible with the naked eye from orbit. A number of man made objects are visible from orbit.
skeeterhawk about 11 years ago
1/1000 scale? He’d need a much bigger box.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 11 years ago
Penguins don’t have any teeth, but they do have barbs on their tongue and throat. These barbs point backwards helping penguins swallow slippery fish, squid and krill.So I guess it’s really gold filled barbs, but it’s the thought that counts.
Reality,really? about 11 years ago
Teeth or barbs there’s that unmistakable aroma of herring on the gold.