Marilyn Quayle was the 1980s version of Sarah Palin – a bright and accomplished woman who challenged and terrified the leftists. Donna Reed was a 1950s movie actress who became better known for an eponymous television series in which she was a stay-at-home mom, a position held in low regard by leftists beginning in the 1970s.
Compared to Obama she is. Obama is praising our oil policies for lower gas prices and being key to recovering the economy Yet all the leftists screamed and cried when Palin said “Drill Baby Drill” If we had followed Palins policies gas never would have topped $2.50 all the price increases due to higher gas prices would not have happened and the recession would have been barely noticed. Obamas policies actually made things worse and we are recovering DESPITE the actions he has taken, not BECAUSE of them.
KZ71 almost 10 years ago
Who and who?
Ol Skool almost 10 years ago
donna reed
jbmlaw01 almost 10 years ago
Marilyn Quayle was the 1980s version of Sarah Palin – a bright and accomplished woman who challenged and terrified the leftists. Donna Reed was a 1950s movie actress who became better known for an eponymous television series in which she was a stay-at-home mom, a position held in low regard by leftists beginning in the 1970s.
guy42 almost 10 years ago
Intelligent and smart are not the same thing!
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
Struttin’ your stuff, ehh, Opus? Where’d you get that chintzy wig?
Duncan Idaho almost 10 years ago
Compared to Obama she is. Obama is praising our oil policies for lower gas prices and being key to recovering the economy Yet all the leftists screamed and cried when Palin said “Drill Baby Drill” If we had followed Palins policies gas never would have topped $2.50 all the price increases due to higher gas prices would not have happened and the recession would have been barely noticed. Obamas policies actually made things worse and we are recovering DESPITE the actions he has taken, not BECAUSE of them.
gaslightguy almost 10 years ago
It’s A Wonderful Life-Donna Reed.