Sleazy is as sleazy does, and easy, too!“Our audience demands it!”“No we don’t! …Charlie Brown what?”
The Princess Di rumor is a lot less funny today.
What is the name on the skiff?Did this strip remind anyone else of Pogo Possum?
Scum Waddling Sleaze Dogs…now THAT’S a great rock band name!!
All of Charlie Brown’s shirts were the same so he didn’t have to decide which shirt to wear which was copied by Mark Zuckerberg.
Why do we need “heroes”?
As Gordon Lightfoot wrote “heroes often fail”
Berkeley Breathed
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Sleazy is as sleazy does, and easy, too!“Our audience demands it!”“No we don’t! …Charlie Brown what?”
hariseldon59 over 9 years ago
The Princess Di rumor is a lot less funny today.
Old Texan75 over 9 years ago
What is the name on the skiff?Did this strip remind anyone else of Pogo Possum?
kenray2010 over 9 years ago
Scum Waddling Sleaze Dogs…now THAT’S a great rock band name!!
PoodleGroomer over 9 years ago
All of Charlie Brown’s shirts were the same so he didn’t have to decide which shirt to wear which was copied by Mark Zuckerberg.
shipl14 over 9 years ago
Why do we need “heroes”?
EVR_99 over 9 years ago
As Gordon Lightfoot wrote “heroes often fail”