The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for April 02, 2000
Riley: Yo, guess what I just saw on television? There was this guy, right? And he was, you know, doin' something with like web sites or whatever, knaamean? So he's doin' this for like a year, right? And boom!! A million dollars!! Just like that!! Huey: Uh-huh... Riley: So I'm thinking, shoot... I can do that! Huey: Huh?! Yes! Yes you can do that! Riley: But then it hit me... all the money in the world ain't worth it if I ain't keepin' it real! There's no way I could be on some herb nonsense for a whole year! Huey: (Sigh) Good to know there are some things you wouldn't do for money... Riley: Man, I was slippin' there for a second...
comics04 almost 14 years ago
Thats kind of admirable.
FrostbiteFalls 6 months ago
Would Riley even be able to articulate what constitutes “keeping it real”?