The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for April 30, 2000
Principal Williams: Hey, Huey! How's it going? Guess what I brought for lunch today? Huey: Excuse me, Principal Williams? Principal Williams: I brought this--a delicious and wholesome peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And even though February is long gone, it made me think about black history... I keep thinking about how if it wasn't for that Washington Carver what's-his-name guy, I would have never been able to eat this sandwich... that's pretty deep when you think about it... I mean, to me, it's just a tasty lunch. But to you it's a contribution by your race to world cuisine. Huey: Yes, we black people are all pretty proud of the whole peanut butter thing. Next Tuesday we celebrate "Carver Day." It's kinda like Kwanzaa, only with lots of peanut products... Principal Williams: That's fascinating... I did not know that... Huey: I won't be in school next week, ok? Principal Williams: For "Carver Day"? Hey, I might even stay home...
DJaxs312 almost 14 years ago
Huey’s smart. XD