The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for September 12, 2000
Thomas: I don't know... it's not a bad effort, but I think you take too many liberties with the facts to call this a newspaper. Huey: Like what? Thomas: Well, how do you know G.W. Bush smoked crack? Huey: I think I heard it on "The Chris Rock Show." Thomas: So you put it in your newspaper? Huey: C'mon, like it's really that hard to believe?
Kra'ul Sheykhon about 11 years ago
Dave Chappelle said so.
FrostbiteFalls 6 months ago
Huey has no way of knowing that one day we’d have a president that routinely does as he does here: presenting assumptions, rumors and innuendo as fact and ignores any and all requests to present anything to back them up. And that he’d likely consider this president to be a bigger fascist than anything he’s ever seen.