The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for March 23, 2009

  1. Trop light
    JonD17  almost 16 years ago

    would Bush care about reconciling them? probably not

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  2. Missing large
    steven02345  almost 16 years ago

    I guess only Prez. B can be accused of assuming that a two headed soldier would actually be efficient or even functional in a battle field.

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  3. New4deer
    4deerinmyyard  almost 16 years ago

    This strip is an extremely inaccurate depiction of W. The sentences have discernible grammatical structure. Furthermore, all of the words are correctly spelled; and thus, one assumes, correctly pronounced. Such implausibility completely destroys one’s ability to maintain willing suspension of disbelief. What was Aaron thinking? ;-P

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  4. Huey
    blackman2732  almost 16 years ago

    Good one, 4deer. Aaron DID slip up on this one.

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