The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for April 07, 2009

  1. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    does anyone know if aaron is still producing his strip….or has he gone the way of larson, breathed and watterson?

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    The_Prof  almost 16 years ago

    The strip went on an 8-month “hiatus” back in 2006. That hiatus is sort of like the “3-hour tour” in Gilligan’s Island. In September of 2006, Universal Press Syndicate announced that the strip wouldn’t be coming back. I’m not sure what Mr. McGruder is up to these days.

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    The7Sticks  almost 16 years ago

    This is what he’s up to these days: It’s his current project right now during the interim of producing the third season. Features some of the principle actors from the show (John Witherspoon, Charlie Murphy, etc.)

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