The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for April 13, 2009

  1. Missing large
    SaintRCat  almost 16 years ago

    Does anybody know why Aaron McGruder dropped the comic series? Huey would be eating up the existence of President Obama. Or not. It’s hard to tell if he hates political parties in general, or white people that serve as figureheads for the political parties. Also I don’t watch Adult Swim, so I wouldn’t know if the cartoon is still around, or if it touched on this. Also this is my first comic on the My Comic Page, so I don’t usually read comments on it.

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    mivins  almost 16 years ago

    Aaron, come back! Check out: Looks like the show is still going.

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    Karlissadag12  almost 16 years ago

    If I remember correctly… I read this in an article a while back. I think that Aaron stopped doing the strip because he wanted to focus more on the show. The comic strip schedule was so demanding. SaintRCat you should get Season one and two of the boondocks. I have them and they are excellent. I saw on a bulletin on Myspace there is going to be a season three. Aaron has also put out some videos on YouTube that are hilarious check it out Support Mcgruder!!!!

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    comicpat65  almost 16 years ago

    I agree, I wish the Boondocks were back to being a daily comic strip that everybody can enjoy. It would be very interesting to see Aaron McGruder take on politics now that the US has its first black President. Here’s hoping he has a change of heart.

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