The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for May 19, 2009

  1. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  over 15 years ago

 Shop ‘til you drop, or we’re all doomed, right? Sigh

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    mattro65  over 15 years ago

    Shouldn’t that “or” be “and?”

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  3. Eagle
    freebird77  over 15 years ago

    With the Presidents new cabinet that are no more than traitors to America it will be easy for any country to do what they want. I am glad I do not live with all the liberals on the west cost and upper portion of the east coast. Get ready to meet your maker and / or burn in he!!. It will more likely be the latter for most of you.

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    tobybartels  over 15 years ago

    traders to America

    Not traders, no, we're doomed! With trade comes communication with foreign cultures, new ideas, familiarity with people that we might not be so willing to blindly kill anymore. How can we possibly respond to this threat to America?

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  5. Eagle
    freebird77  over 15 years ago


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  6. Eagle
    freebird77  over 15 years ago

    tobybartels stated familiarity with people that we might not be so willing to blindly kill anymore.

    You must of never been out of the country. We can start at Mexico all the way through South America, all tropical islands, Africa, China, Russia, India, all middle eastern countries and just about any where in the world your chance of being killed for money alone. The chance of being killed is by far greater than any where in America. These countries are full of corruption from top to bottom. The vacation resorts are the only somewhat safe place to be at in these countries. On America’s most wanted an American was killed in a tropical paradise island. She was in the vacation area, just imagine what it would be like outside these areas. I was in the military and in most of the above countries. I alone was almost killed in several countries. Now lets get back to the so called countries that we have saved their skins more than once, Europe, France, Great Britain, Germany, etc. These countries has numerous people that would be more than glad to kill you, even before Bush. I was in the military under the Clinton reign.

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  7. And you wonder why
    Kylop  over 15 years ago

    Freebird77, why are you reading The Boondocks?

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  8. Eagle
    freebird77  over 15 years ago

    I actually do not read it. I usually skip it however I thought it was interesting that a liberal comic strip would mention something that is due to the current President, House and Senate.

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  9. Eagle
    freebird77  over 15 years ago

    If Barack Hussein Obama bankrupts the nation and if we are attacked numerous times they will spin it off on George W. Bush. Obama can almost do anything he wants. The only thing he cannot due is upset the people who owns the Federal Reserve Bank. They are the only ones who can stop him and he listened to them the other day when he made a few changes to his liberal agenda.

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  10. Trop light
    JonD17  over 15 years ago

    freebird, I am surprised you can read, period.

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  11. Eagle
    freebird77  over 15 years ago

    JonD17 I would not be surprised if you were a child molester, traitor, homosexual or a mental health patient. At the very minimal I would assume you are taking mental health drugs that numbs part of your brain.

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    apo000  over 14 years ago

    wow i know this was from a year ago but freebird77 hahaha you are a complete tool. I laughed my bleeep off reading those comments. I hope none of it was serious. If so you are very ignorant and brainwashed. Maybe a little homophobic too. Our country is not free and it is very corrupt. I mean if you can’t see that, then, well you are just a stupid little sheep. You are not free, your government is in control, and you are an idiot. Good day.

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    apo000  over 14 years ago

    Oh, and do you know why other countries want to kill Americans? Because most of them are dumb arrogant a@@holes like you that think we are so much better than them.

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