The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for February 08, 2011
Granddad: Met Strom Thurmond once a long time ago. He drove right up next to me and spoke. Huey: What did he say? Granddad: He said, "Hey, you black nigra slave darkie boy, where's the closest gas station?" Huey: Interesting. Granddad: On second thought, maybe that was Ronald Reagan. It was a while ago... Huey: Eh. Same thing.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 14 years ago
awww, did oo-ums get offended that anybody would dare say anything offensive about his beloved saint reagan?
MisngNOLA almost 14 years ago
awww did oo-ums get offended that someone put the shoe on the other foot and it fit perfectly?
Pjbflyn almost 14 years ago
Honk if you love honky.
Trukzut almost 14 years ago
Reagan wasn’t so great. He never got his picture on a bubblegum card. How can you say someone is great if he never got his picture on a bubblegum card?……. Suck on that Palin!
tedcoop almost 14 years ago
Trukzut, if you’re going to channel a “Peanuts” character, Lucy van Pelt wouldn’t be my first choice to represent the “voice of reason.”
For the rest of you – I find racism offensive regardless of what color face it’s hiding behind; Sharpton is little better than Reagan, I think (although it’s true that neither of them is/was as bad as Thurmond, but that’s not because he was white, it’s because he was one of the five most racist a$$hats in the history of the United States Congress).
pbarnrob almost 14 years ago
And some of his trainees are still there…
Trukzut almost 14 years ago
@ ted: Lighten up a$$hat, it’s just the comics!