The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for November 25, 2011
Caesar: Huey, why are you worried about dying young? It doesn't make any sense. Huey: Sure it does... We have an underground newspaper and a web site that puts out the truth that the powers that be don't want the people to hear. We must be prepared for the worst! Caesar: We have eleven readers!! Huey: That's eleven more than they want us to have...
pbarnrob about 13 years ago
And to think I only today found!
J Short about 13 years ago
I hear them knocking on my door right now. Who’s there? Ahhhhh! No… no… I’ve never read Boondocks…ahhhh…
Nortley about 13 years ago
kittenpah about 13 years ago
The more different conspiracy blogs that are out there spouting different “truths”, the less likely you are to find the right one (assuming there is one). Hense, the Powers That Be prefer LOTS of them.